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Please consider joining a committee!  You do not need to be on the board to do so.  If interested, please email to learn more about a committee you may be interested in serving. 

Social Media & Website Committee  -  Chair: Megan Speed

Members:  Barbara Hoey, Stefanie Farrell, Dawn Mack, Kathy Tevnan, Jennifer Vailancourt, Cathy Zelinski, (This team works w/Digital Combat for content)

The social media & website committee shall maintain Facebook accounts (business & regular), monitor posts and answer questions, gather content from NCRA website, PYRP articles.  Vet and accept new "friend" requests, cultivate new relationships with other state associations, work in assisting other committees that need to promote events via social media including Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter.  Monitor & keep MCRA website current.  Work with the web designer when necessary.

Digital Reporting Combat Team Committee - Chair: Cathy Zelinski

Members:  (Advisory-Jill Kourafas) 

Follow PYRP's lead of promoting Flip the Script.  Encourage membership to follow PYRP's Facebook page.  Create premium profile for MA.  Connect with stenographers around the country.  Attend PYRP Zoom sessions.  Work on and send email blast campaigns to attorneys.  Educate membership on Notary laws.  Encourage membership on the benefits of certifications & licenses.  Track digital recorder campaigns and inform membership. Work with web designer to create an informational section to be published.

Membership Committee - Chair: Janet Wynne
Members:  Dawn Mack  (Three members needed) 

The membership committee shall promote membership in MCRA and encourage members to be involved in events, initiatives and goals.

Education/Mentoring Committee - Co-Chair:  Kim Bouzan and Missy McKenzie 

Members:  Darlene Caiazzo-Sousa, Stefanie Farrell, Jill Kourafas, Sherri Viera

Recruit experienced reporters to mentor new reporters/students.  Recruit students/new reporters that need mentors.  Market mentoring program on social media.  Give quarterly updates to membership of mentors/mentees.  Education committee shall keep informed of court reporting training programs and assist where possible in the development and success of said programs.  

Legislative Committee - Chair: Cathy Zelinski 
Members:  Kim Bouzan, Janet Wynne  

The Legislative Committee shall keep informed of matters that affect both positively and negatively the stenographic court reporting profession. When necessary, the legislative committee shall educate stenographic court reporters and the legal community on the ethics, laws-, and statutes regarding the practice of stenographic court reporting in the Commonwealth, seek enforcement of the Commonwealth’s laws and statutes, and shall aid in the drafting and passage of legislation for the advancement of the stenographic court reporting profession. 

Certification Committee - Chair: Kim Bouzan

Member:  Darlene Caiazzo-Sousa, Dawn Mack 

The certification committee shall conduct the NCRA and MCRA examinations.  The committee shall issue a certificate to each candidate who has satisfactorily passed the Certified Shorthand Reporter examination. 

Convention/Events Committee and Raffle - Co-Chair:  Kristin Kelley and Dawn Mack

Members:  Stefanie Farrell, Kathy Tevnan, Jennifer Vailancourt 

The convention and events committee shall assist in the planning and implementing of educational and social events, and the annual convention, sponsored by MCRA.  Events may include holiday party, Zoom parties, and fun events involving membership.

The raffle committee is in charge of purchasing raffle items from the designated raffle bank account as well as hosting, promoting raffles at all events.  Decide raffle ticket prices, promote raffles via social media, etc., host raffle on the day of event convention, s

Outreach Committee   - Chair:  Barbara Hoey  (This Committee's focus is on attorneys & students, working closely with Education/Mentor Committee)

Members: Darlene Caiazzo-Sousa, Stefanie Farrell, Jennifer Vailancourt   

The outreach committee shall endeavor to raise awareness of the court reporting profession and MCRA by initiating contacts and developing relationships in the legal community and elsewhere.

Nominating Committee - Chair: (Open) 

Members:  (All Hands On as Needed.  Please consider serving on this worthwhile committee)

The nominating committee will nominate officers and members of the Executive Board for the action of the membership at the annual meeting. 

Bylaws Committee  (As Needed) - Chair: (Open)

Members:  (Please consider serving on this worthwhile committee)  

The bylaws shall be reviewed annually after the installation of a new board by all board members to conduct a review of the bylaws of the association and propose such amendments as, in its judgement, are deemed necessary to coordinate and simplify the Bylaws and to eliminate conflicting and impracticable provisions therein.  A committee will be chosen when and if a change of the bylaws is voted upon by the board and follow all rules necessary to inform the membership and institute a change in the bylaws. 

NCSA Delegates:  (Need One) and Cathy Zelinski   

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