Frequently Asked Questions
How much is a(n) MCRA Membership?
Memberships are currently $145 annually; billed every June for the July - June Fiscal Year.
What kinds of Membership do you offer?
We currently have Professional, Retired, Associate and Student Memberships available. More detailed descriptions of these memberships can be found under our bylaws page.
Can voice writers or electronic/digital recorders join MCRA?
Under our current bylaws, only persons skilled in the art of verbatim reporting of proceedings by the use of shorthand symbols, manually or by machine, shall be eligible to apply for Professional Membership.
Do you offer financial assistance for Student Memberships?
We are fortunate to have many members donate money for student memberships. We currently have a few complimentary memberships available.
How can I pay my dues?
You can pay dues online with a credit card via our secure website or you can send a check to MCRA, PO Box 377, Westwood, MA 02090.
Do you need to be certified to work as a court reporter in the state of Massachusetts?
Currently there is no certification required to work in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. You do need to be a Notary of the Commonwealth of MA. More information on obtaining a Notary can be found here.
How do I work in the State of New Hampshire?
You need to be licensed in the State of New Hampshire. More information can be found here.
Do you offer a CSR?
Yes, we do offer a CSR exam every April and October. More information regarding that can be found here.
Is there reciprocity with the RPR or other state CSRs?
Yes, we do offer reciprocity for RPRs and also for some state CSRs. More information can be found here.
Where can I find a Code of Ethics pertaining to the Court Reporting Profession?
MCRA adopts and adheres to the National Court Reporters Association's Code of Ethics. These can be found here.
How long do I need to keep my steno notes?
Federal Reporters: Under 28 U.S.C., 753 (the court reporter act) "The reporter or other individual designated to produce the record shall attach his official certificate to the original shorthand notes or other original records so taken and promptly file them with the clerk who shall preserve them in the public records of the court for not less than ten years."
Freelance Reporters: Five years as is outlined as a guideline by NCRA.