Protect Your Record Project (PYRP)
What is the campaign?
PYRP is a national campaign which is designed to educate attorneys and inform law firms about the importance of stenographic reporting and how to protect themselves from the pitfalls and deceptions of digital recorders. Learn more about PYRP at
Why should YOU participate in this campaign?
Because our profession is being hijacked and we are pushing back in not allowing digital recorders to confuse and steal our hard-earned title of “Court Reporter."
What is the first step?
Renew your MCRA membership now. With your membership renewal you will receive a “STENOGRAPHER” lanyard and 2021-2022 membership/credentials card (a $25 value from PYRP) – FREE from MCRA while supplies last!
What other steps can you take immediately?
For Zoom depositions designate "Stenographic Reporter” or “Stenographer” after your screen name (include your certification number if you have one). Download the steno writer image and use it for your “Off the Record” designation. Whether at a Zoom deposition or in person, hold up your membership/credentials card and identify yourself as a “stenographic reporter.”
How do you help spread the word?
Post a photo of yourself wearing your lanyard on MCRA’s Facebook page, follow us on LinkedIn, and become a member of PYRP’s FB group to join the movement.
Not an MCRA member?
Become one! Membership benefits include a listing on our website and complete online access to our "Member Documents and Resources" section.