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The MCRA board would like to thank our webinar speakers, Mike Hensley, Alan Peacock, and Kathryn Sweeney.  We would like to extend a special thanks to Kathryn Sweeney and Jill Kourafas, who came up with the idea for the webinar and followed through to make it happen. Thank you to all of you who helped organize the webinar and thank you to all who attended!  We hope that you came away recharged and ready to tackle your next assignment.

The following handouts are available for download:

Zoom into Spring with MCRA: Quiz

To obtain NCRA CEUs, you must provide your NCRA identification number and answer the questions for the presentations you attended. All quizzes must be submitted by May 30, 2020 in order to obtain CEUs.

Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy - Mike Hensley (.1 CEU)
7. What did Mike teach you to eat?
8. You may be healthy or sick, but you only have so many...
Realtime Macros - Alan Peacock (.15 CEUs)
9. What does Alan use in most of his macro execution strokes?
10. What does Alan's panic stroke do?
Exhibit Making & Marking - Kathryn Sweeney (.1 CEU)
11. What program did Kathryn use in her seminar?
12. What should you do after each step of your exhibit-making process?

Thank you for completing the quiz.

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